Michael Weber
Since 1991 consultant of ÖAR GmbH. Senior consultant, project manager, evaluator, trainer and coach in the field of regional innovation (programs, structures, projects).
Contact directlySelected References
European Region Danube-Vlatva: Network analysis, basic concept of cross-regional cooperation, strategic development
City of knowledge Salzburg – Analysis and Strategy
Market-oriented feasibility study TIZ Kirchdorf
Interim management – investment promotion Softwarepark Hagenberg
Innovation and Technology Centres Training Program – STRAIN ITC REGIO
Applicant support /coaching funding program COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies (K2, K1, K Projects, Modules)
Co-operative innovation management in the Salzburg timber industry – coopINNO
Ex-ante program evaluation ERDF/ Investment for growth and jobs Baden Württemberg 2014 – 2020
Evaluation of federal government environmental funding – 2014–2016 – overall reporting coordination
Evaluation INTERREG IV A – AT-CZ cooperation project MSB-innocat – innovation catalyst for the region Mühlviertel – South Bohemia
Project evaluator Horizon 2020 – Excellence – Infrastructure – Innovation
Jury member of various national FTI programs (including COIN, iraSME, research infrastructure, FEMtech)
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Consulting Priorities
- Program and project development
- feasibility studies and marketing concepts
- Evaluation of regional, innovation and technology-oriented programs, projects and networks
- Coaching and process support of individuals and groups in complex work situations in a regional context (RTDI-/EU projects/funding applications, network management, internationalisation)
- Strategic consulting for intermediary innovation organisations, SMEs and business networks
Education and training
Studied business administration University of Linz (focus: Marketing, organisation and corporate finance).
Controlling exam, apprentice training certificate, coaching training programme, AfU-course business and organisational consulting.
Further training on moderation and project management.
Specialist courses/excursions regional innovation development in Austria and abroad.
And otherwise …
Before you start anything, learn how to finish it – but do not forget to start!