Dominik Ebenstreit
Since 2023 he has been Consultant of ÖAR GmbH, mainly active in the field of Regional Development. Lecturer at the University of Vienna.
Contact directlySelected References
Impact study: Evaluation of the effects of the development incentives of the LEADER region ‘Steirisches Vulkanland’ 2000 to 2023
Consulting in the pilot project RESY. Development of regional information and monitoring systems.
Evaluation of the special funding program (Sonderförderungsprogramm) "Naturparkregion Lechtal-Reutte 2014-2024". Quantitative analysis.
Impulse project "Circular Lab NOE" for the establishment of a network of a model region for bioeconomy and circular economy in the Melk-Scheibbs region
Co-consulting in the integrated, regional development process in the Hermagor region (IREP_HE) incl. setting up a regional data pool
Co-consulting on the reorientation of the ‘Bildungs-haus Osttirol’ (adult education) with contextualization in the region of East Tyrol
Evaluation of the project "3 Határlos" - Cross-border cooperation in the three-country nature park Raab (Dreiländer-Naturpark Raab).
Development concept for public space in Vienna Neubau & Josefstadt. Cartographic support.
Participation in green space design for the Breitenauer-Siedlung Wiener Neustadt business park
Youth participation process "Jugend.gestaltet". Evaluation of the status quo and derivation of strategies for the Lienzer Talboden urban region.
Study on crisis and disaster management in Austrian municipalities
Lectureship at the University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research since 04/2022
Download CVJakob Maierhofer-Wieser
Consulting Priorities
- Regional development planning
- Development of strategies through complex data analyses
- Evaluation and impact analysis
Education and Training
University of Vienna: Studies in Geography (BA), Cartography and Geoinformation (MSc) and Spatial Planning and Spatial Research (MA)
Further qualifications: Crisis, disaster and risk management (UMIT Tirol), project management